No Birds

Missing Someone? Where Are the Birds?

From time to time, you may notice a lack of birds at your feeders. It can be hard to tell why we see fewer birds at our feeders, but there are many possible explanations ranging from changes in habitat needs or the weather, to an overabundance of natural food.

September and October are typically the months when we see an annual decline of bird activity at our feeders. This behavior makes sense since these are two months of the year when natural foods are usually in the greatest supply. It's harvest time for us and for the birds! Fruit trees abound with fruit, flowering plants are going to seed, and there are still plenty of insects to be found. There is just so much natural food around, the birds don't need our feeders as much.

But don't be disheartened, the birds will return to your feeders as the abundance of natural food fades away and the colder months settle in.

In the meantime, here are a few tips you might want to consider to increase the number of birds in your yard.

• Make sure to keep feeders clean and filled with fresh food since bacteria and mold can grow in old damp food. You don't want the birds to return just to get sick.

• Install a bird bath. Birds need a dependable year-round water source for drinking and bathing, especially in the colder months when such sources may be hard to find. Pick up a bird bath heater to keep your water from icing, and give the birds a little winter oasis.

• Attract birds to your yard with a safe and enticing habitat. You can provide protective cover for the birds and a beautiful landscape for yourself with native plantings for them to hide in, and perch and even find a little extra food on.

• Try offering a variety of foods. In winter and spring, birds benefit from higher fat and protein in their diet, so try offering fattier foods like suet or mealworms.

Visit the store or call us to learn more about how to bring the birds back to your yard.